
Cosmos-Body-Celebration:States of Affection

The DRUM: research group on carnival and ethnocenology (CNPq-2008) will hold, in Belém/PA, from june 12 to 15, 2018: the VIII international colloquium of ethnocenology and the fourth meeting paraense of ethnocenology, celebrating its 10 years of research ethnocenology in the amazon with the theme: cosmos - body - celebration: states of affection.

This research group is part of the graduate program in arts (PPGARTES), the institute of art sciences (ICA) of the federal university of Pará (UFPA) and has a coordinatior Prof. Dr. Miguel Santa Brigida. The group study of the spectacular Brazilian carnival in its polyphony and polysemy of genres and languages, as well as investigating the carnavalizations revealed in the multiplicity of the spectacular Brazilian practices based on the assumptions of the ethnocenology. Currently the group consists of seventeen researchers and eight in recent years has been promoting the expansion of the institutions in the articulation and execution of its objectives.

Among its main actions we highlight the ethnocenology, a bianual achievement that aims to relfect on the knowledge from ethnocenology as ethnoscience of arts and forms of spectacle, considering it as a new theoretical-methodological paradigma that has been promoting a singular advance of the research in scenic arts in Brazil and in the world.

The realization of the three events, in addition to celebrating the 10 years of the Tambor Group, has been increasing and remarking the production of ethnocenological knowledge in the Amazon. This panorama proves to be significant when we consider its production and articulation with other institutions, groups and research centers in the performing arts in the city, in the region, in the country and its international developments: Universidade do Pará (UEPA); Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA); Interdisciplinary Group for Research and Extension in Contemporary, Imaginary and Theatricality (GIPE-CIT) of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA); Laboratory of the Carnival Arts (LAC) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ); Center for the Study of African and Amerindian Performances (NEPAA) of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO); Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); University of Brasília (UNB); Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Department of Anthropology, Fluminense Federal University (UFF); School of Master-Room, Flag-Bearer and Standard Gate of Rio de Janeiro; and the Université Paris 8.

History of events

The Paraense Ethnocenology Meeting is an accomplishment of the Institute of Sciences of the Art (ICA), Graduate Program in Arts (PPGARTES), and School of Theater and Dance of the Federal University of Pará (ETDUFPA), through TAMBOR - Group (CNPq-2008), was implemented in 2012 and proposes the constitution of a permanent space for the production of knowledge and exchange of information among artists, researchers, professionals and students related to the field of the arts.

The production of knowledge has been evidenced in the Meetings, in three prominent aspects:

1 - It allows the exchange between artists and researchers of the performing arts and also of different artistic areas, solidifying local institutional relations, other regions, supporters and contributors to the institutionalization of the project.

2 - They became reference for researchers, teachers, artists and students of different artistic languages, allowing the participatory enlargement to the theoretical and methodological questions of Ethnocenology.

3 - The continuity of artistic-academic actions, in the intersection of the biannual meetings observed in GETNO - Group of Studies in Ethnocenology; Dance and Ethnocenology; CIRANDA - Anthropological Circle of Dance; LABETNO - Ethnomusicology Laboratory; GIPACE - Interdisciplinary Group of Research in Art, Culture and Education; Coreopepistemologies Research Group (CNPq-2014); in seminars, disciplines, shows and exchanges, making the ethnocenological construction of the Amazon pressing.

There were 3 editions of the event. In 2012, Practices Spectacular of the Amazon, which had Prof. Dr. Armindo Bião (UFBA) and Profa. Dr. Leda Martins (UFMG) as invited researchers. In 2014, with the theme Corpo Lugar de Festas, the invited researchers were Profa. Dr. Helena Theodoro (RJ) and Prof. Dr. Graça Veloso (UNB). In 2016, the theme Ethno-Phenomenological Spectacles: Aesthetic, Aesthetic and Alterations, aimed at deepening on the traditional and contemporary spectacularities that reveal the epistemic investigations by the ethnocenological approach, privileging the wisdom of practitioners, popular cultures, urban tribes, traditional, common knowledge, the experiences of the streets, the corners, the bars, the fairs, the places and non-places of generating powers of alterity, their particular aesthetics and their poetic singularities in the construction of the ethno-scientific knowledge generated from the research in performing arts from the Amazon. The three editions of the Encuentro Paraense were based at ETDUFPA.

The 1st National Meeting of Ethnocenology took place in Salvador (BA), from April 12 to 15, 2016, with the coordination of Prof. Dr. Eliene Benício and Prof. Dr. Fabio Dal Gallo. The theme was The State of Art, which sought to evaluate the development of ethnocenology in the country, in view of the growth of the area of research and graduate in performing arts in Brazil, as well as the expansion of its theoretical-methodological horizon.

During the meeting, Brazilian lecturers Gilberto Icle (UFRGS), Miguel Santa Brigida (UFPA), Fernando Antônio Mencarelli (UFMG), Jorge das Graças Veloso (UNB), Suzana Coelho Martins (UFBA) and Alexandra Gouvêa Dumas (UFS) presented an overview of ethnocenological research in the five Brazilian regions, which are teachers, researchers and mentors of undergraduate and postgraduate students in their respective educational institutions.

The VIII International Colloquium on Ethnology in Belém do Pará was held during the final deliberations of the First National Meeting of Ethnocenology in Salvador, continuing the international discussions of the last Colloquium held in Paris in 2013, with the theme Experiences and expressions of beliefs : aesthetics and identities.


Under the theme COSMOS-BODY-CELEBRATION: States of Affection, the VIII International Colloquium of Ethnocenology, the II National Meeting of Ethnocenology and the Fourth Paraense Meeting of Ethnocenology, are justified in the recognition of the transcendental dimensions of the Amazon, its multiplicity of bodies and generating effects of potent spectacular practices for the theoretical and methodological construction of ethnocenology at local, national and international level.

COSMOS-BODY-CELEBRATION: States of Affection presents an experience built at the crossroads of bodies comprised of affections, fruit of human celebrations, festive manifestations, sacred shares and Carnivalized Cosmos of passions in their doing; and in their possibilities of cosmic connection of these bodies, we activate resistance from Organized Spectacular Human Practices and Behaviors (PCHEO).

Cosmos, which in the Amazon, gains transcendental dimensions in contact with the energy of the forest, the waters of the rivers, their animals, their entities and their people, emphasizing that we are in a great spiral of artistic, cultural, philosophical and policy.
In our region, the multiplicity of the construction of Amazonian bodies interacts in the different identifications of the cosmic Amazon being. These different corporations activate spectacular specificities engaged in the Brazilian Amazon; recognizing the importance of decentralization of knowledge, contributing to the deconstruction of ethnocentrism.

Celebrate from Latin Celebrate: Celebrate; celebrate; to host with celebration, to perform an event or ceremony with solemnity. So let's celebrate ethnocenology in the Amazon Paraense! Exalting a polyphony of voices, spectacular practices and diverse and peculiar researches. Celebrate the Cosmos, the Body in Affected States.

In this construction, Ethnocenology ratifies its status as Ethnoscience of the Arts and Forms of Spectacles and its theoretical and methodological conception in the Amazon, in Brazil and in the world, providing the space for dialogue, debate and systematic reflection on ethnocenological production and development of researches that promote possibilities of interfaces with several areas of knowledge corresponding to the transdisciplinary field of ethnocenology.


- To be in a position of reference in the discussions of Ethnocenology as Ethnocentrism of the Arts and Forms of Spectacle and its theoretical and methodological construction in the Amazon, in Brazil and in the world;
- Expand the space for discussion and systematic reflection on ethnocenological production and the development of research that promote possibilities of interfaces with the different areas of knowledge related to the ethnocenological field;
- Stimulating the dissemination of research in scenic arts;
- Encourage exchanges between artists, researchers, cultural producers, masters of culture, communities and traditional peoples at local, regional, national and international levels;
- Collaborate with new approaches, techniques and methodologies derived from ethnocenological production.