Abstracts Submissions
Thematic Axes
COSMOS: Researches of transcendental dimensions in contact with the energy of the forest, the waters of the rivers, their animals, their entities and their people, emphasizing that we are in a great spiraling movement of artistic, cultural, philosophical and political collaboration.
BODY: Research on the multiplicity of the construction of bodies that interact in the different identifications of the cosmic Amazonian being. These different corporations activate spectacularities of an engaged character; recognizing the importance of decentralization of knowledge, contributing to the deconstruction of ethnocentrism.
CELEBRATION: Research on commemoration, celebrations, commemoration with celebrations, achievements of events or ceremonies with solemnity. Exalting a polyphony of voices, spectacular practices and diverse and peculiar researches.
Rules for submission of summaries
- Can submit communication proposals, teachers and students with research related to the theme COSMOS-BODY-CELEBRATION: States of Affection (CONFERENCE THE THEMATIC AXES ABOVE DESCRIBED).
The maximum number of 3 authors per proposal is allowed;
-Each enrollee may submit a single proposal for work;
-Submission of papers must be done in the Abstract template, so that the texts must be submitted in Portuguese, or in a foreign language (English, Spanish or French). The texts must express objectively the ideas that will be presented in the oral communication and the theoretical perspective of which it departs, as well as if that research is in progress or is the result of a completed investigation.
-The simple Abstract template should be guided by the following formatting guidelines:
a) The title must respect the maximum number of 15 words, in high box and without end point;
b) Information about authorship, institution and contact e-mail should be just below the title, aligned to the right;
c) The other information of the author (s): academic formation, research group, research promotion agency (if any), artistic activity, among others that may be deemed necessary for presentation.
e) The body of the text must contain a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 250 words (excluding this count: title, authors, institution names), followed by up to 5 keywords in a Word file. Source: Arial, size 12; line spacing: simple; without paragraphs; margins: left and superior: 3cm / right and lower: 2cm; alignment: justified.
f) The Abstract template can not contain references, graphs, tables or images.